Historic Families

Families listed below are those with historic markers, meaning at least one family member died before February 14, 1909.

At the re-dedication ceremony for the cemetery on June 4, 1989, George Bikman described the following. “The 1878 Albany City Directory lists a number of Jewish men who have been “pillars of the community” – L. Kline, seller of fancy goods; L. Senders and M. Steinberg, merchants; Julius Gradwhol, seller of stoves and tinware (he was uncle of the Brenner sisters, whom we all knew well for many years); C. Cohen, auctioneer; F. May, shoemaker; Julius Joseph, grocer; and John Zuckermann, jeweler. My father, Joseph Bikman, who came in 1912 brought with him a wife and two small children and little else other than needle and thread; he was a tailor. In 1906, members of the Senders family began a grain company dealing in oats, barley and hops. The business developed into one of the major enterprises in Linn County, the grain elevators in Tangent, Tallman and Albany…”

Brenner Family




Joseph Family


Kline Family


Rosenthal Family


Senders Family


